Ruby is said to give name, fame, vigor, virtue, warmth and the capacity to command to its user. It can also raise the individual far above the status in which he was born. Natural ruby (Manikya Stone) is a precious gemstone that attracts almost all individuals. Its mystical powers and association with true and absolute luxury are legendary. Ruby gem also known as manik in Hindi, has been a much revered gemstone in Hinduism, for according to Vedic astrology, Ruby is the gemstone of Sun, the king of the zodiac. Sun is the nurturer, the vital energy giver and the soul of the Kalpurusha. With its crimson hues, natural ruby is one of those few among the colored gemstones that can beat colorless diamonds in the value, hands down! Ruby is July birthstone in the Western tradition.
Historically, it has been symbolic of love and passion. This is normally red in color. Ruby is a hot stone. On diseases front: Ruby helps cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout etc. However prolonged use may cause boils, itch, and insomnia as well. Ruby should be used in gold in third or ring finger of right hand on Sunday. Ideally should be of about 3 or 5 grams in weight.
The name Ruby comes from Latin ‘Rubrum’, which means ‘Red’. Ruby, which is corundum, is simply crystallized alumina (Al2O3) and in pure form, it is devoid of color. The rich color in Ruby is mainly due to small amounts of chromic oxide, which is able to replace part of alumina without disturbing the trigonal crystal structure. It has a specific gravity of 3.99. The Mean Refractive Index is 1.765 and the hardness is 9 on the Moh’s scale.
Burmese rubies are the most valuable member of the corundum family. Ruby is demanded for its gem quality. The Burma mining of ruby gemstone was initiated almost 500 years ago. Ruby is found in Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Kenya, Nepal, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. The best Rubies are from the Magok district of Burma. Thai Rubies are comparatively less attractive and the Rubies found in Sri Lanka are pink.
It’s very important before wearing any gemstone we should know it’s methods and the importance of every stone. Ruby gemstone should ideally weigh at least 1/10th in carats of your body weight. (70 kg body weight = 7 carat stone). Ruby gemstone should be mounted in Gold or Silver to experience the good results. The weight of Ruby/Manik should not be less than 3 Ratti. More the weight of Ruby, greater its effect. Ruby gemstone should be worn in ring finger of right hand and stone must touch your skin.
Do consult an astrologer or a gemologist before wearing this or any other stone. Ladies should avoid the use of Ruby as it can destroy the body luster.